Santa is coming! Let’s look at a few ways we can help him do his job by making sure your chimney is safe.
It’s that time of year again, people rushing around buying lights for the house, cutting down the perfect tree for the house, running to the grocer for all the goodies and running back because you forgot something, and let’s not forget all the boxes accumulating on your doorstep you’ll have to wrap. Yes, it’s the holiday season, Santa is coming! Let’s look at a few ways we can help him do his job.
Clear the Way
When that sleigh hits your roof you’ll be glad it’s a Hewatt Roofing system, those things can be pretty heavy!! The big guy needs to be able to walk around without tripping over loose shingles or worse yet, have Rudolphs’ hoof go through a weakened area! Having your roofing system cleaned and inspected is important all year round. Keeping a record of maintenance is important for insurance purposes. Did you know your insurance company can deny repair or replacement due to your negligence? Don’t let that happen to you, be sure to begin or continue a maintenance plan today
Importance of a Clear Chimney
I love the smell of a fire! There’s nothing like it, sitting around, getting comfy, that warm glow, but there is more to it than that. There are more than 25,000 chimney fires in the U.S. every year and almost every one of them could have been avoided. Creosote is a highly flammable tar-like substance that is deposited in the chimney flue every time you burn a wood fire. When creosote builds up it can cause intense heat which leads to a flue fire and can damage or destroy your home. When building a wood fire, use seasoned wood and make a small, hot fire rather than packing the fireplace full and letting it burn out which creates creosote. To make sure your chimney is free from creosote and cracks or other damage contact a local chimney sweep like
Celebrating With Loved Ones
Whether it’s by the fireplace or in the kitchen gathered around the table, or via Zoom take time to enjoy those around you that you love. This year more than ever we need to be thankful for our health, our family and all the wonderful things provided to us. Covid has tried to put a schism in the importance of gathering and being thankful together but we can rise above that and give thanks for all that we have. We at Hewatt Roofing would like to wish you a Merry Christmas and may God Bless you all.
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Getting in touch with a licensed roofing contractor in Hoschton, GA, is as simple as contacting Hewatt Roofing. We'd love to discuss how our services could help you, so don't hesitate to call our team or filling out the online form today.